Acqua Vergine: The Answer to Rome's Water Problems

Prior to 273, when the 1st elevated aqueduct, Aqua Anio Vetus, was established in Roma, inhabitants who resided on hills had to go further down to collect their water from natural sources. When aqueducts or springs weren’t accessible, people dwelling at raised elevations turned to water removed from underground or rainwater, which

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What Makes a Perfect Honeymoon?

Let’s not overlook the unforgettable honeymoon vacation that comes after the “I do’s”. These days more and more cruise lines and vacation resorts are catering to newlyweds by offering special honeymoon deals with lots of romantic extras. What is certain is that honeymooners are searchin

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The Father Of Roman Water Fountain Design

There are many celebrated water fountains in Rome’s city center. One of the most distinguished sculptors and artists of the 17th century, virtually all of them were designed, conceptualized and built by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Also a city architect, he had abilities as a fountain developer, and records of his life's work are obvious

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From Where Did Water Fountains Originate?

Himself a learned man, Pope Nicholas V headed the Roman Catholic Church from 1397 till 1455 and was responsible for the translation of scores of ancient texts from their original Greek into Latin. It was imperative for him to embellish the city of Rome to make it worthy of being called the capital of the Christian world. Restoration of the Acqua Ve

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Outdoor Water Features Come in Lots of Shapes and Sizes

Have you ever thought about turning your garden into an oasis of serenity? Incorporating a fountain into your garden provides tranquility as well as a variety of beneficial effects that come with having a water feature.The stream of water sent high up into the air by a spouting fountain is an spectacular sight to see. Large, existing ponds can have

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